May 6-12th, 2019

What is mental health?
According to the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), “mental health means striking a balance in all aspects of one’s life: social, physical, spiritual, economic and mental. At times, the balance may be tipped too much in one direction and one’s footing has to be found again. Everyone’s personal balance is unique and the challenge is to stay mentally healthy by keeping the right balance. Mental health is as important as physical health. The World Health Organization (WHO) has always considered mental well-being as an integral part of the general definition of health. WHO defines health as, “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” (Canadian Mental Health Association)

What is mental illness?
CMHA defines mental illness as, “a term used to refer to a variety of mental disorders that can be diagnosed. Mental disorders are health conditions that are characterized by alternations in thinking, mood, or behavior (or some combination thereof) associated with distress and/or impaired functioning” (Canadian Mental Health Association).

What is the Mental Health Continuum?
Mental health affects us all. At different times in our lives we all experience varying levels of need related to our mental health. Sometimes our mental health is challenged by difficult situations that can be eased with time and informal support. Other times the challenges are significant enough that we require specialized assistance. People respond differently to the same challenges, and even to the same mental illness – some will require more assistance than others to cope. The movement is in both directions along the continuum, indicating there is always the possibility for a return to complete health and functioning.

The Mental Health Week will be held from May 6th to 12th, 2019. The Hearst-Kapuskasing-Smooth Rock Falls Counselling Services is committed to raising awareness in the communities within our region on the Five Ways to Well-Being.

  1. Connect: Talk and listen. Be there. Feel connected.
  2. Take Notice: Appreciate the simple things that give you joy.
  3. Be Active: Move your mood. Do what you can. Enjoy what you do.
  4. Keep Learning: Embrace new experiences. See opportunities. Suprise yourself.
  5. Give: Your time. Your words. Your presence.

Videos on the Five Ways to Well-Being

The Hearst-Kapuskasing-Smooth Rock Falls Counselling Services encourages you to watch the following videos on the Five Ways to Well-Being.